Saturday, July 12, 2008

Seashores, volcanoes & humanity

Sedimentol.& paleogeogr.context of the Mojokerto hominin site, E.Java p.92 abstr.67th Vert.Paleontol. F Huffman, R Buffler, J Kappelman, D Ruez & Y Zeim 2007

... the discovery site lies above marine Mollusk Mbr II & within a fossiliferous pebbly sandstone in the upper Pucangan Fm. The sandstone is a fluvial deposit with a broad channelized base, prominent cross-bed sets & other bedding indications of mid-Channel river bars incl.preserved dune surfaces (mega-ripples) on the bars , is confortably overlain by a 4�5 m paleosol developed in a mudstone. This bed is, in turn unconformably overlain by sand+mudstone containing burrows & marine mollusks representing the basal bads of Mollusk Mbr III. These lithofacies represent a variety of deposit.environment s ranging from flood plain to delta slope , together
preserve evidence of the localized progradation of a delta lobe into a shallow water marine embayment. ... present-day deltas in this region can experience very rapid progradation rates, the Perning lobe may have been deposited in <10*4 yrs , not necessarily linked to a glacio-eustatic sea-level lowstand. Given that the Moj.hominin spm appears to have experienced min.transport, we conclude that H.erectus inhabited seacoast environment. This paleoenvironmental reonctruction is in strong contrast to the more typical savanna-woodland setting of this sp in Africa , suggest that He had a broad adaptive niche.
Where did Earth's water come from? Natl' Geographic Magazine video.

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