Friday, January 20, 2012

Ancient Jews in Japan?

"Abraham was the son of Terah and the name Terah (Tera) was found among the rulers of the Anu people who inhabited the Upper Nile and migrated widely between 15,000 and 10,000 years ago.... The Anu (Annu or Ainu) were aboriginal peoples of the Upper Nile. They were the first rulers of the Lower Nile. One of their sanctuaries was called Annu, the original name for Heliopolis, to which the great pyramids were aligned. The Anu were seafarers and had a written language which they introduced to the lands where they traveled and settled. The first peoples of Japan were Anu. The Anu alphabet became the basis for the Hebrew and Japanese alphabets." from Biblical Anthropology blog

I find this credible, based on the commonality of anu & dan for river valleys of the ancient trade network. I view it highly probable that the Terai valley of Nepal was connected to both Terah (father of Abraham of the Chaldees) and terraced taro (and later the domesticated weed, rice) floodplains; Terai being linked to Papuan languages & genetics (via Kusunda), and exchange point of sugar cane & taro to Papua.

Anu: Anu existed in Sumerian cosmogony as a sky dome that covered the flat earth (cf Bambuti 'endu' = interior of dome hut)

anu/-dan-/vene/phoeni/dene/tene/finni/den/Lena/Yana river & coastal peoples trading, tuna or salmon fishing, salt mining/brining (Ma'dan - Persian mining town), with dialects of dhanu/dnieper/don/(R or T replaced D: Rhine/Rhone/Thames-temez)

interesting parallels between Hebrew (Yahudi) and Japanese (Nihoni) Shinto culture & script language, and genetic linkage (including Tibet as well).

Perhaps more accurate, Anu that became Phoenician/Venician/Vennicones/Veneti/Fennic/Venne/Vinland voyagers/vikings (from way-go-n/vaya-/vika-/vector-/via-duct)* were a maritime/river trading people that used phonetic script in syllabary form (like Japanese) which was later adapted as alphabetical by western languages & Hebrew. First using wicker & hide punted roundboats (from inverted dome basket huts), then streamlined paddled rafts/canoes/umiaks & dogs, then ribbed-decked-keeled sailing vessels (with livestock) & then wagons/camel caravans, these marine technologies allowed fast dispersals around the old world and then the new world.
Finnish roof: katto (resembles kota, a Lapp conic tent cf tipi)

Note: Dan/Jordan/Sudan, anu/ainu, Sweden/Denmark, Danube/Don/Dniester, Fennu/Finn, Khotan/Turpan Turpan oasis (China) means 'the lowest place' in Uygur Language and 'the fertile land' in Turki [a schoolmate of mine from Finland was named Pannu, perhaps related to water voyager?)

Note: Ra/Rhone/Rhine, Dan/Den/Don, Finn/Fenn/Uenn refer to River/Coast valley way, and their harbor trading posts: Samar/Somal/Sumer/Suma, House: Dama/Duomo/Domus.

Dan: honorific "master of" [see Bucky Fuller's navigator-priests], c.1300, from O.Fr. dan/don from dominus; ancient northern Israel tribe Dan; Danaid: Greek myth daughter of Danaus, Argos king, condemned to draw water perpetually in bottomless buckets (origin of watermill?).

Danube: river of Europe (Ger. Donau, Hungarian Duna, Rus. Dunaj), from L. Danuvius, from Celtic *danu(w)-yo-, from PIE *danu- "river" (cf. Don, Dnieper, Dniester).
Dane: "native of Denmark," Daner, (replacing O.E. Dene (pl.) Perhaps ultimately from a source related to O.H.G. tanar "sand bank," [Sanskrit dhanu "sand shore"] or from P.Gmc. *den- "low ground", OE dhennu "river valley", cf anu

Dhanab (serpentine "tail"), Sudan, Red Sea shallows:

dene "bare, sandy tract by the sea," late 13c., of uncertain origin, perhaps connected to dune, but the sense difference is difficult. "small valley," from O.E. denu "valley" (see den), PIE den/dan "down, low ground". Dendro (tree) probably related as serpentine form to both tail and river valley.

Before wheeled carts, traders would invert their skinboats to roof their stone/log foundationed market wares ashore along calm shallow waters.

"Note in the following map, the names Vennicones in the British north and Vennicni (obviously an abbreviation of the same Vennicones) in the north of Ireland. I see them as settlements of traders, handling wares from "Picts" on the one hand and visiting VENNE trader ships from "Scythia" on the other"

Rhobogdi: "(We bear in mind that Estonian has a very strong sea-trader tradition and would qualify as being located on the coast of "Scythia"!) The Rho at the front, would be the RA found in Rhone, Rhine, etc. which means 'way, path' and is often seen in the names of the earlier trade waterways (Ptolemy named the Volga Rha) but more often ot appeared as a suffix: Lige-RA, Wese-RA, Od-RA, etc.
There probably were two types of historic Picts. One type were sea-harvesters and used skin boats made from walrus hides, lived nomadically on outer shores and islands, and lived in semi buried circular rock shelters (like igloos, but made of rock and covered with sod)."

From the Bambuti leaf-shingled dome huts to sod-shingled domes to snow-block domes...

* annual: L. annalis form of annus "year," from PIE *at-no-, from base *at- "to go," on notion of "period gone through" (cf. Skt. atati "goes, wanders," as opposed to vasati static/stable/sedentary "stays")

stay: Gk. hestia "hearth," from PIE base *wes- "to dwell, stay" (cf. Skt. vasati "stays, dwells," Goth. wisan, O.E., O.H.G. wesan "to be").

PIE *stai- "stone," also "to thicken, stiffen" (cf. Skt. styayate "curdles, becomes hard;" Avestan stay- "heap;" Gk. stear "fat, tallow," stia, stion "pebble;" O.C.S. stena "wall").


Unknown said...

deity,=tun(Mayan)=360day period of
solar year,=town(E)=tune(E).
town tetica(N)=of stone,=etica(sp)=
...the problem you have with ancient Jews=jyut/jyu/yue(Chinese Cantonese)=
is the Japanese were forming their
language from Nauatl at 2k bce, and after their Amerind experience, post 400k bce, arrived at their resident islands of today to sort out the 100 or so tribes. i postulate the Hebrews as being Tlaloc Deer Nomads, perhaps inthe Altai Mts, in India, China as traders. Shiloh's last date is 722 BCE, 400yrs back=1122 BCE for it's foundation date.

Unknown said...

...Tonatiuh(N)=do(E/past particlple=
Donets(Rostov Oblast Rivers).

Unknown said...

...Dan(Tribe, name,=-dan(suffix)=
d/t/tlan(N)=locative of tlalli(N)=