Saturday, February 18, 2017


My comment at Old European Culture Blog & Biblical Anthropology:


(t)auroch/Taurus = (x)atlef/alef/elevate = head of cattle (muzzle, ears, horns) +
beth/beit = body (of mother/cow/hut) (includes tail of b, rotated 90 deg.)

Aries is the curve-horned head of ram charging=lamb emerging (=gimel/be.gyne/be.resh't) +
delta/daleth triangle of the rear (tail docked or short).

This is from the Vinca/Phoenix/PHuindiux script & zodiac eg. Karanovo zodiac (much older than the one shown at your blog), which originated at the Black Sea Oasis before 7.7ka. deluge swept various people outward to form different groups.

Alice Lindsley:

You may be confused on the symbol Y, which was waw, hook; while the sound "Y"  was symbolized by yodh, hand. Interestingly, this yodh corresponds to Eskimo tad(limad) hand and to Malay tangan(lima) hand.

more to come...

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