Thursday, April 19, 2012

wechsel / exchange/period counts?

DD: planets "wander", English-Dutch "week" ~ wander/vika/weave back & forth/via/vector/vaya.

eurologistApr 15, 2012 03:13 AM

"week" has nothing to do with "wander" - instead, it is related to the Germanic word for "change" - still surviving in the German word "Wechsel" with the same meaning. It refers to the periodic changeover of planet-gods that watched over specific days of the week. See also the Latin word "vices" with the same meaning.

a comment from Maju: "astelehena, realize that it's a composite word from 'aste' (week) and 'lehen(a)' ((the) first): the first of the week, ironically the last of the week (asteazkena) is wednesday and nobody knows why (I speculate that the weekend was four-days long but who knows)."

Eka (line, digit, ichi), Weka/Ueka/Vika (reciprocal way), Weba (weave, inter-digit)

Eusk: nekaz - furrow/track
Etrusk: ?    - ?
Rusk: lehka - furrow/track
Prush: wechsal - animal trail
Fris.: ? - ?
Britsh: last - follow furrow/foot form
Gaelic: traict - shore trace


Arabic: Wahad - one, Yom Ahad - first day (Sunday)
Compare Wahad to Wechsal, Vaya, Week, Woch

Etruscan furrow: From VIIe century, the Etruscan ships furrow the Tyrrhenian Sea
the Etruscan ritual books (see p. 270). A peasant of Tar- quinia is said to have
been ploughing a field when he turned up in his furrow a miraculous being (child)

The German word wechsel (from wechsal: animal trail) means reciprocal exchange, eg. exchanging currency between two people.

exchange (n.) : late 14c., "act of reciprocal giving and receiving," from Anglo-Fr. eschaunge, from O.Fr. eschange (Mod.Fr. échange), from L.L. excambium, from excambiare, from L. ex- "out" (see ex-) + cambire "barter" (see change).
exchange (v.) : late 15c., from O.Fr. eschangier "exchange, barter," from V.L. *excambiare (cf. It. scambiare); see exchange (n.). 
Denver:  "ford or passage used by the Danes," from O.E. Dena (gen. pl.) + fær.

camber : 1610s, nautical term, from O.Fr. cambre, chambre "bent," from L. camurum (nom. camur) "crooked, arched;"
Cambio: Of Celtic origin, from Proto-Celtic *kamb- (crooked, bent), from Proto-Indo-European *(s)ḱamb-, *(s)kamb- (crooked). Cognate with Old Irish camm (crooked), Welsh cam (crooked), Breton kamm (crooked), Old High German skimph (joke, amusement, pastime), Swedish skumpa (to limp). More at change.
Change: Via Middle English, from Old French changier, compare French changer, from Latin cambiō (exchange, barter). Cognate with Italian cambiare, Portuguese cambiar, Romanian schimb, Spanish cambiar. Used in English since the 13th Century. (Hebrew: qupa'y cf quba/qufa/sukha/chuppa, stall/store) Cash changer works at a till or receiving payments  (note till/thill/tillerudder-furrowmaker/changemaker) [Cashier is tamil]
Originally, exchange gift/barter was "meiy" unrelated to later change/exchange from cambio/wechsel/furrow
If musical chords may be formed by raising (major) or lowering (minor) the fifth a whole step, they may also be formed by lowering (major) or raising (minor) the root a half-step to wechsel (step-change), the leading tone or leitton.

 מענה, a furrow, as in Psalm 129:3, is in the absolute state instead of the construct, because several nouns follow in the construct state (cf. Ewald, 291, a.). צמד, lit. things bound together, then a pair; here it signifies a pair or yoke of oxen, but in the transferred sense of a piece of land that could be ploughed in one morning with a yoke of oxen, like the Latin jugum, jugerum. It is called the furrow of an acre of land, because the length only of half an acre of land was to be given, and not the breadth or the entire circumference.. This was a space of ground which the Romans call "actus", a measure of land one hundred and twenty feet square, which being doubled made an acre, called by them "jugerum", being as much as a yoke of oxen could plough in one day. is supposed by some (p) to be the length of one furrow; but if so, it must be a circular furrow; so much ground was given to Horatius Cocles as could be ploughed round about in one day

Latin : vices (in place of) cf ["follows in order/trail"]
Danish: vice  last
German: vice Laster
Polish: vices wada (pl) f.
Romanian: vice viciu 
Sanskrit: vice  व्यसन (sa) (vyasana-) n.
Spanish: vicio (es) m.
Swedish: last (sv) (not 1st etym. which is for tricked)

truck (v.)  "to exchange, barter," early 13c., from O.N.Fr. troquer "to barter, exchange," from M.L. trocare "barter," of unknown origin.

tract (1)  "area," late 15c., "period or lapse of time," from L. tractus "track, course, space, duration," lit, "a drawing out or pulling," from stem of trahere "to pull, draw," from PIE root *tragh- "to draw, drag, move" (cf. Slovenian trag "trace, track," M.Ir. tragud "ebb," perhaps with a variant form *dhragh-; see drag).

midway: O.E. mid-weg "the middle of a way or distance."

planet: late O.E., from O.Fr. planete (Fr. planète), from L.L. planeta, from Gk. (asteres) planetai "wandering (stars)," from planasthai "to wander," of unknown origin. So called because they have apparent motion, unlike the "fixed" stars. Originally including also the moon and sun

weave (v.) O.E. wefan "form by interlacing yarn" (class V strong verb; past tense wæf, pp. wefen), from P.Gmc. *webanan (cf. O.N. vefa, M.L.G., M.Du., Du. weven, O.H.G. weban, Ger. weben "to weave"), from PIE *webh-/*wobh- (cf. Skt. ubhnati "he laces together," Pers. baftan "to weave," Gk. hyphe "web").

weft O.E. weft, wefta, from wefan "to weave", woof

warp (n.) "threads running lengthwise in a fabric," O.E. wearp-, from P.Gmc. *warpo- (cf. M.L.G. warp, O.H.G. warf "warp," O.N. varp "cast of a net"), from root *werp- (see warp (v.)). The warp of fabric is that across which the woof is "thrown." Applied in 20c. astrophysics to the "fabric" of space-time, popularized in noun phrase warp speed by 1960s TV series "Star Trek."  warp (v.) "to bend, twist, distort," O.E. weorpan "to throw, throw away, hit with a missile," from P.Gmc. *werpanan "to fling by turning the arm" (cf. O.S. werpan, O.N. verpa "to throw," Swed. värpa "to lay eggs," O.Fris. werpa, M.L.G., Du. werpen, Ger. werfen, Goth. wairpan "to throw"), from PIE *werb- "to turn, bend" (cf. L. verber "whip, rod;" Gk. rhabdos "rod," rhombos "magic wheel"), from root *wer- "to turn, bend" (see versus).

web O.E. webb "woven fabric," from P.Gmc. *wabjan (cf. O.S. webbi, O.N. vefr, Du. webbe, O.H.G. weppi, Ger. gewebe "web"), from PIE *webh-

orbita:  "wheel track, rut" (orbit of eye)
orb: early 15c. (implied in orbicular), "sphere, globe," also "emblem of sovereignty," from O.Fr. orbe (13c.), from L. orbem (nom. orbis) "circle, disk, ring," probably related to orbita "wheel track, rut," of unknown origin. Some suggest a connection with the root of orchid (q.v.). A three-dimensional extension of a word originally describing two-dimensional shapes.

calibrate: from Arabic qalib "a mold for casting." [hand + librt?]
teller/ tell (v.) O.E. tellan "to reckon, calculate, consider, account," from P.Gmc. *taljanan "to mention in order" (cf. O.S. tellian, O.N. telja, O.Fris. tella "to count, tell," Du. tellen "to count, reckon," O.S. talon "to count, reckon," Dan. tale "to speak," O.H.G. zalon, Ger. zählen "to count, reckon"), from root *talo (see tale). [talk?] talo  from PIE root *del- "to recount, count." The secondary English sense of "number, numerical reckoning" (c.1200) probably was the primary one in Germanic; cf. teller (see tell) and O.Fris. tale, M.Du. tal "number," O.S. tala "number," O.H.G. zala, Ger. Zahl "number."

tiller: originally "weaver's beam," from M.L. telarium, from L. tela "web, loom," from PIE *teks-la-, from root *teks- "to weave" (see texture).
L. colonus "tiller of the soil, farmer"
tile (n.) O.E. tigele "roofing shingle," from W.Gmc. *tegala (cf. O.H.G. ziagal, Ger. ziegel, Du. tegel, O.N. tigl), a borrowing from L. tegula "tile" (cf. It. tegola, Fr. tuile), from tegere "roof, to cover" (see stegosaurus). Also used in O.E. and early M.E. for "brick,"
shell (n.) O.E. sciell, scill, Anglian scell "seashell, eggshell," related to O.E. scealu "shell, husk," from P.Gmc. *skaljo "divide, separate" (cf. W.Fris. skyl "peel, rind," M.L.G. schelle "pod, rind, egg shell," Goth. skalja "tile"), with the notion of "covering that splits off," from PIE root *(s)kel- "to cut, cleave" (cf. O.C.S. skolika "shell," Rus. skala "bark").

shingle (1)  "thin piece of wood," c.1200, scincle, from L.L. scindula, altered (by influence of Gk. schidax "lath" or schindalmos "splinter") from L. scandula "roof tile," from scindere "to cleave, split," from PIE root *sked- "to split."
place (n.) O.E. "open space in a city, market place, square," from O.Fr. place, from M.L. placea "place, spot," from L. platea "courtyard, open space, broad street," from Gk. plateia (hodos) "broad (way)," fem. of platys "broad," from PIE *plat- "to spread" (cf. Skt. prathati "spreads out;" Hitt. palhi "broad;" Lith. platus "broad;" Ger. Fladen "flat cake;" O.Ir. lethan "broad"); extended variant form of root *pele- (see plane (1)).

order (n.)  from L. ordinem (nom. ordo) "row, rank, series, arrangement," originally "a row of threads in a loom," from Italic root *ored(h)- "to arrange, arrangement" (cf. ordiri "to begin to weave," e.g. in primordial), of unknown origin.

compare ord to ard (early scratch plow) & adze
compare shoe last axe to wedge/wicker/week/work/furrow/drain ditch
(used in gardens 5ka, wells available, loess soil, middle Danube)

The Jesuit missionaries in the new world produced a map of Lake Superior using canoe strokes to measure distances, would these be equal to vika oar changes, to measure both time and distance? (furrow/week as period) stone indicating jesuits in south Ill.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

go from one side to another, errar(sp)/
=snap one's fingers, make noise as one
goes along,=caper/ca(m)paign/ca(m)pana