Wednesday, March 14, 2012

tletl: Yenisei Ket Qan Qan

tletl: Yenisei Ket Qan Qan

hard to follow your scripts, but interesting.

Ket from Vietnam area when sea level was lower, via boats (vika/vaka/waka canoe or bowl boat?) Vietnam has some fossil skeletons Australoid type (kanak?).

denitli - similar to denizen, which is similar to Yenisei-n

See my post on Danubya (Dan/Dene/Anu/Ainu/Yana/SuDaNuBiYaNa etc.) at Arc blog.
Bone flutes made in Danubia 45ka


Unknown said...

...tks. enjoy your site, vital and
eye-opening, in harmony with my work.
i am using particle linguistics based on the complete 5k bce Nauatl,
isbn 968-23-0573-x, Rémi Simeón, which goes further back to the Upper Stone Age Taloc/Rarog Nomad Deer age, 45k bce-10k bce, and then further back , my supposition, to the Dordogne to Altai Neander
Prometheus cave complex, an extravagance i am sure rote scholars will make me pay for, but the feline deity mother goddess is a constant, e.g.,
Elohim(H)=celOim(Liber Linteus)=
Ocelome(N/plural)=Totem Animal of
regent of our oldest calendar,
the Tonalli, book of souls,
Tonalamatl of Tonatiuh(N)=To/our 4/na
ah, Tlatlatzolteotl.Blogspot/ollin
as well.
for the Tonalamatl, try,
Aztecs of Mexico by George Vaillant,
Pelican or Penguin Paperback, chapters on Ritual/Religion, as it
is the Deer/Mazatl(N/7)=Maz(OHG)=meat
Calendar of the Upper Stone Age
period, one of the tent pegs,
if not the center pole of the age
which gave us the religious terminology we use today.

Unknown said...

...Yenisei=Yeni(N)=that which one finds, that is in some part,=
yeni(Turkish)=new. -sei, the last
particle may be, cea(N)=not one,
not alone, referring to its tributarys.
one has to go with caution rooting
as there is an order to the consonants,
which is what letra is all about.
5k bce Nauatl has 13 letters, now we
have 26, so letra is the story how
13 became 26. the Grimm brother noticed T/d and that T is older,
as d doesn't exist in 5k bce, ah,
T/l/r, L isn't first letter in 5k bce
it's Tletl=T/let/l, or, T/l/red/t/l=
fire. so from Tletl we get red/read/
once you know consonants can be
dated then you can order the samples
of your etymology in time sequence
as i did with the Danube, all the
D's are new, the older version begins
with T-una/Tonatiuh(N):

DDeden said...

I actually meant to send this post to your blog as a comment, but my blog is malfunctioning, it posted the message to my blog instead!
Thanks for your comments. I commented at

about ollo - wool - wheel - wolf

also I note that Naga (serpent) & Jap. nawa - rope - nauatl links to nau (boat), perau (canoe), waw (tent stake-line), wau (kite), tau/v (anchor-line),
and spindle (pin-dal/idol/doll). Perhaps Wat (Thai Bud. temple) was like Hebrew tabernacle earlier, being a tent?

DDeden said...

Re. danubia, I just found that Punt & biAPunt were separate locales per Egypt. stele.
the stela, found on the bank of the red sea, mentions, in the list of an expedition's personnel "anx.w wn.w Hr idb n wAD-wr m mSa.w" "people who where on the bank of Wadj-ur as a troup"), which has been recently supplemented with a new stela from the XIIth dynasty found in
Mersa Gaouasis cave (alongside with rope, anchors and various materials linked to ships), and mentioning biA-pwn.t (photo in the Egypte, Afrique & Orient journal, 41 p. 25), which reads : rd.n Hm=f iwt=i r biA-pwn.t "his majesty
made me go to bia-punt"."

biapunt = land of punt, perhaps separate from isle of punt?

What's the "relationship between
the shipyard /wxrwt/ and Coptos /gbtyw/."
Note that djibouti/gbt/gebt/gypt/copt/kmt, cf baMbuti to djiButi

DDeden said...

waka (Ainu): water
v/waka (Kanak/MalayoPolyn): canoe
wide (Nepal Terai valley): water
wide (Papua tribe): water
voda (Russian): water
watar (Hittite): water
vika (Norse): Viking longboat
wata (Dakota): canoe
wata (Mandan): bowl/bull boat
Uisgi (Scot Gaelic): water

B = V = W = OI (Greek) = UI

danu/dhenu: shallow/sandy shore
bia: land of
Danube is also called Donavu/Dunau, probably referred to local shallow fords (where lowland/wetland/marshes were?).
Compare to Punjab/Java, "bridges/passes/straits" through Himalaya/Sumatran mountain ranges.

Reed, rhett/ret to soak reeds to separate into fibers?

DDeden said...

Just adding some random words to consider:

unkempt: uncombed
kemp: guard hair of sheep
hemp: cannabis used for rope
twine/twist: spun fibers
twill: ?
thill: the wood harness pole of a wagon attaching to oxen/horses, that replaces the rope traces of a sledge
till: wood plow used to scratch the soil surface, related to thill

spindle: pin-dol (pn-tool?), pin spun to gather loose wool/flax fiber into a thread/yarn

weights: hanging stone weights (2kg, cf tops/gasing) used to make (rawhide) rope, possibly linked to bolas?

"Slough – To tear down an entire carnival to get ready for the jump to new town."

Looking at slough ("slao" not sloo or sluff), a word used in carnivals for tent teardown for transport to next site. Similarity to tent stake Waw and plow/prau/wau.

Perhaps "sla-aw" was anciently used to describe pulling up stakes and packing tents (cf stow, sto(aw)age, stowaway).

Unknown said...

sod, sot, soot, (m)ud=pitzotl(N)=
pig&sow=mud picker.
...atl(N/root of all waters)=
t/reality(E)=altar/Art(E)=ue altia(N)=
=atlatl(N)=at/l/r at/l/r=arrow(E)=
...ciuatl(N)=t/zo-atl(N)=sow atl=
zo(N)=bleed/tzotl/tzol/hole atl,
the old name for woman/ciuatl/wahine.

Unknown said...

mouth,=c/g(r)ammar/l/t. what do you also brush? the mouth and the comb
looks like a mouth.
...cannabis(Gk/Lat)=canaua pixca(N)=
hammerflat harvest(drug dealing
underway), e.g.,
...pemmican=pepena canaua(N)=pile up,
...twist=uetzi(N)=fall one side or other.
squeeze(weave), pile on, lengthen.
...nite-tilinia(N)=sequester a woman
to get to know her!
...nitla-tilinia(N)=stretch the bow.

Unknown said...

Saintly bouti=b/po/u(n)t/li(letra)=
puddle/pout/boot/foot. there may be
another (both) Punt on the Arabia Feliz
side, but this is, Tzintli Potli(N),
the republic. i will stand corrected,
yet this appears to be the land of Punt, on the african coast.
ret=recten(MDutch)=r/l/tleco tentli
(N)=raise the edge/lip/tentli.
ret, also, lex/ley. i use tleco's
formation of other words to compare
with the formation of, ret/reyta,
and both/potli formations fit.
i don't know what raise the edge
refers to, but being familiar with the process will discover the use.,
govern,=uic(N/adv)=wick(back and forth)=uictli(N)=shovel,=auictli(N)=

Unknown said...

uel(N)=good/first, tilana(N)=lana (spLat), also, laan/loan(E)=well(E)
lana(spLat)=woolen. Ollin(N)=holy/
(r)oll. the (w) was added, Ollin
dominated the naming in Europe, but,
vluna(OSlavonic)=vellus lana(Latin).
a collision of the reverential, Ollin,
with tilana(N) and uel(N)=well, the
last 2 terms are grading/uel(N), and,
...wheel=uilana(N)=drag4=ui(o)lana(N)=viola, the(o)=Ollin,=
guilan(Cornish) =gull.
come from below, land/sea.
the Cema Naga are cannibals.
the (n) label=Nauatl.
...temple=tentli piloa(N)=tempiloa(N)=lip spill. this was my first derivation for temple,
until i found the simpler one of,
...wat/school?, well, all i can do
at the moment is refer you to, wa(J)/
the Japonica wa= peace/unity/hoop/circle, and all mean
language=tlac-ua ce(N)=body owns one.

DDeden said...

Carlos, thanks! see my comments about:

Ket/Kott = Akkad = a/Chad or Al Chad or Arcadia

and Azyrianian (Komi) of west Ural and Ashuryan/Assyrian/Akadyana have many cognates

The Ljubljana ("beloved") lake-swamp of Slovenia (oldest axle/wheel found) is likely cognate to the Libani/Litani/Libyanon river & high wetlands of Lebanon (Lubnon in Arabic, "heart/beloved" possibly links heart as blood pump to wellspring/wetlands as hydro pump)).


DDeden said...

Hebrew was hapiru/opero I think, no B, possibly steppe people before settling in Canaan?

DDeden said...

Perhaps rett 'raise the edge' refers to peeling the skin or weakening it to release the fibers.

Unknown said...

Tetl ualani. the sun is likened to
Tletl(N)=T/l/Red/t/l fire, ualani(N)=
ual(N/towards)=put fire to it, torch it. the reference being to the heat of the sun as it comes up. when in Adana,
Turkey, living in a Quonset hut, the
sun torched the land and by 9am it was,
seek the shadows as the heat was unbearable except for Englishmen and
one or the other mad dog.
...hebrew is from, h/th/Tep/b(r)ewa
(letra)=Tepeua(N)=owner of mountains,
Tepees(Amerind), during Tlaloc Nomad Deer/Mazatl/Mazeltov Age), Temples, but that's the brag. the real root
of hebrew is aligned to herbs/Xiuh,
as in, Xiuhtletl(N/oldes deity)=
FireHerbDeity, and describes their
habitat as Neander/Neandra Prometheus,=Altepetl(N)=Water Mountain, and the Ocelome(N/plural)= celOim(Liber Linteus)=Elohim(Dual deity)idents them as Tlatlatzolteotl,
the first of feline deitys of the
Fire Drill, which begins everything: Time,Medicine,Language,Starcharts,
Weaving. Ocelotl is her Totem Animal,
linked to her as Regent of the
Tonalamatl(N)=book of souls=
Tonalli(N)=Tonatiuh/Anthony, the
Tone(we're music), but let me
continue with, Altepeua=citizen,
before citizen, caver, and after
that, a town, a country.
this is what the Nauatl language record is telling us: who, where,
when. even the letters have dates.
find my 13-26 for a look at letters.
at present, ABC, at 5k bpe it's ACE.
...Acadyana=Acatl(N/13 Tona)=yan(N)=
Acad/t/l-yan=Cane Plain(E)=llano(sp)=
plain(E)=Allies of the Plain(who
work for others)=Aryan. yana(N)=
protect oneself from the rain.
during the Tlaloc/Rarog Deer Age
that was a consideration in North
Afrika and the Mideast, Upper Stone
Age, 45k bce-10k bce. is the Mazatl(N/7 Tona)/
barbarian(E). during DeerAge all
North Afrikans were called Mazyes/
Deer People, and the MazYectlalli(N)=
YesDeerLand people/pipil-tin(N)
called themselves Yectlalli(N), having lost the First element, Maz(OHG)=meat,=Yectlalli(N)=

Unknown said...

...unkempt/kempe. Kempe is a name,
found in Texas, of German origin,
an occupation description as most
names are, a comber of wool, e.g.,
Molonia(N)=card wool; strip feathers,
=Maloney(Irish name).
often we go to the Spanish as
the connector to Nauatl for, Kempe,=
cepillo(sp)=brush, plane(carpentry),
cepillo de dientes/tlantli,=cep=
C/Ke(m)p=comb(E)=ce piloa(N)=
one spill(of hair), e.g., pilinqui(N)=who has locks of hair
falling over the ear, from,
piliui(N)=to crumple=c(r)u(m)p/le=
comb(E)=the solution for crumple,
and rumple/hair wrinkles.
inherent language duality will
bring a word around to its opposite, e.g., as it seeks to offer the solution, comb, for the condition, crumple, at one and the same time.
another example, icnoa(N)=where/ic
my/no-a/atl/water? 3 elements to this
verb, meaning, deserving, which
describes water predicament, where?,
and encapsules the story of Noa/
Noah, which is all about water and
deserving to be spared, i.e., a one
word/verb mnemonic from which the story of Noah was built.

DDeden said...

Maludong or Red Deer Cave near the city of Mengzi in southwest China. They remained unstudied until 2008. The scientists are calling them the "Red Deer Cave People," because they cooked extinct red deer in their namesake cave.
danubyana yanobia (arab)

Unknown said...

...yes, well, the red deer people
sound suspiciously like herrings,
australoids, late, not quite the
interest of the Denisovians whose
fingertip gave us an entire species.
but the real question with these
arrivals is did they leave or were
they incorporated into the language record? if not, they don't have a
history and their study is limited
to shovel archeo. they are so late.
however, 14k bce, is not late
for cavers, e.g., 7k bce, Zatal Hüyuk. they come under the Nauatl
blanket of their area, which would be
equal to the African dialect they
came out with, being late.
the Denizovans are another story,
earlier, from the Altai area hanging
on by one fingertip. but the same is
true for them: interesting, but if
they are not part of the language record through their rites, arts,
tools, then we just have their bones. i don't particularly trust the media on these storys, as it distracts from the Neander phenom, which is the main language and DNA record unbroken up
to today.
but again the Denisovians may be too early for the language record
as Nauatl develops in Europe where
Neander held court before the Red
Deer Tlaloc Upper Stone Age, 45k bce,
beginning with particles agglutinate until by Quetzalcoatl's time, 3309 bc, they had the complete
language, which then was spread to
all corners of the Globe by sea,
reducing itself to particles once more to fit the differing cultures
as needed.
...language is singular, follows a
line, whoever has it, advances,
leaving similar species behind.
in longer time frame it forms a
circle, gives us unity.

DDeden said...
Mexico (Nahuatl?) genes are more diverse than other Americans?